Concert Information
Concert Attire
GCTYO concert dress is gender neutral.
Everyone wears ALL BLACK. Attire should be “business casual.”
Acceptable attire includes:
- Long-sleeved black dress shirt (crew neck or collared, with or without buttons)
- Black dress pants or ankle-length black skirt or long-sleeved and ankle-length black dress
- Black socks or stockings
- Black dress shoes.
- If pants have belt loops, a black dress belt should be worn.
- Suit jackets and ties are not required, but are allowed if black.
- Black mask (masks are optional)
ABSOLUTELY NO t-shirts, jeans, leggings, leotards, or sneakers! Concert dress should look professional. Arms, shoulders, legs, bodice, and ankles must be fully covered. Shoes must also be black.
Steel Pan only
Black long pants & short-sleeved polo shirt, preferably in a shade of purple, light blue, or pink. White or navy blue also okay.
Common concert dress errors:
- Shoes worn without black stocks or stockings covering ankles
- 3/4 length or short-sleeved shirts
- Short skirts or dresses – these must be ankle length
- White shirts with black jackets (shirts must be black)
- Low cut shirts or dresses
- Colored tie
- Caps or hats. Head coverings are acceptable for personal or religious reasons but should be dark or black if possible.

Concert Etiquette
Arrive On Time
Allow sufficient time to arrive and be seated before the performance begins. If you are delayed, wait for the end of a selection and start of applause to enter the concert hall and be seated. This shows consideration for the performers and fellow audience members.
Record From Designated Areas Only
Video equipment may ONLY be used on either side of the balcony or the back bay of the auditorium, which can be accessed from the inner lobby. For cell phone recordings, please be aware of those seated behind you so that all may enjoy the performance. Phones must remain lowered and you must remain seated.
Do Not Use Flash Photography
Flash photography can temporarily disrupt the vision of a performer and cause him/her to lose his/her place in the music or make unnecessary mistakes. Flash photography is also very distracting to other players and audience members.
Remain Quiet During The Performance
A concert is not a place to hold a conversation. Conversations are only appropriate during periods of applause and intermissions. The background noise generated distracts those around you and can be heard in the audio recordings. Cell phones should be silenced and screens should be dark. Similarly, the noise generated by candy and food wrappers is inconsiderate of the performers and fellow audience members. Please do not bring food or drink into the auditorium.
In orchestral performances, please wait for the conductor to lower his/her hands completely at the end of a selection. If the conductor’s hands remain raised after the orchestra has stopped playing, it means that the piece has additional movements that the conductor will begin shortly. When the conductor lowers his/her hands, it is the signal that all movements of the piece have been completed, and it is your signal to express your enjoyment through applause. In jazz, there are frequent soloists and those soloists are recognized at the end of their solos, even when they occur in the middle of the piece.
Escort Young Children At All Times
Be sure to supervise all young children when entering or exiting the concert hall. Holding their hand during this process prevents them from getting lost and helps avoid running in the aisle, which can result in injury, especially when the concert hall is dark. Whenever possible, please wait for a break in the performance so as not to disturb others.
Attend The Complete Concert
The performers have worked hard to prepare the program. Please do everything in your power to see them all perform. A large part of the GCTYO experience is younger musicians seeing the older students perform as musicians learn a great deal from watching one another. Our community is strengthened by supporting fellow musicians in their efforts.
Member and Parent Handbook
GCTYO has many volunteer opportunities for families of members, and in fact could not function without volunteers. Please consider getting involved! To volunteer, talk to any Board member or email the Executive Director Please let us know how you can help.
GCTYO generally undertakes one to two major fundraising activities each season. A chairperson and numerous volunteers are needed for each. These organized fundraising activities provide additional program funding. The biggest fundraisers are a Silent Auction and a Bingo Night. GCTYO also sells apparel throughout the year and flowers at concerts. Other ideas are welcome.